
About me

Here's my story.

Hey there! I'm Abdul, a fourteen year old developer, creative and critical programmer specializing in front end ui designs. My aim is to create beautiful ui experiences for the user to be emulsified in the design and the product language. As a developer I clearly understand a user's needs but I also find a practical and definite way to solve the problem being faced.

During the tough times of the COVID-19 Pandemic I was bored and willing to do anything to pass time, it was at that time I had gotten introduced to coding. The first language I tried out was Python which is relatively easy for a begginer. Starting out i was eager to learn and discover how programmers made ui and applications on an operating system. I started learning using the Tkinter module and made simple ui applications with simple meanings, I soon understood the functionality of Python despite it's simplicity.

Some of the projects that I've made can be seen on the projects section of this website, although some projects I would truly like to mention here is my own discord bot made by using Discord.py this bot had taken me months to code by hand and it's code is now open-source for anyone to edit, verify and customize. Just by this time I had also started learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript. After seeing the potential of the web, I started learning React with the Next.js framework, infact this very website is made using React and Next.js. Currently I am learning Java that also helps my journey as a JavaScript developer.

You can find me on Github where I post my recent projects and development ideas for UI/UX designs, or you can follow me on my Instagram and Twitter handles.

Programming languages

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